Choosing a Childminder

Childminding provides parents with the opportunity to have their children cared for in a home-based childcare setting. Clare County Childcare Committee maintain a database of Tusla registered & voluntary notified childminders in Clare and their contact details are made available to parents who contact our office looking for a childminder. Although we do not recommend any childminder, we can enable contact between childminders and parents.

Choosing a Childminder - A Guide for Parents

Please see link below, for the list of registered childcare services in Clare, which includes childminders. Tusla provides a list of all Childcare Providers that have registered to Tusla:

Voluntary Notification - List of Childminders

You can also contact our office by phone (065 6864862) or email ( to request a copy of the list of Voluntary Notified Childminders in Clare. Such Childminders are not obliged to register with Tusla, once they do not exceed the maximum numbers of children, they are permitted to care for. 

Clare County Childcare Committee does not accept responsibility for the services provided by any individual listed. The list does not constitute a recommendation of any service by Clare County Childcare Committee.  Parents are advised to consult with the Childminder to enquire about their specific service.